Insurance :

Insurance is the contract by which the insurer in return for payment to the policyholder protects himself from an accident or damage. The insurance premium set by the parties based on the obligations provided by the insurer.

The greater the obligations of the insured; The costs paid by the insurer will increase. There are different types of insurance, which include: social insurance and commercial insurance. In the following, we describe commercial insurance.

Commercial insurances are mainly concluded in order to guarantee the risks in commercial contracts; Therefore, contracts that are insured; They have significant material and spiritual value.

Fardad Spadana Commercial is ready to provide all types of insurance to merchants and traders who want to insure cross-border contracts including export or import of foreign goods. One of the types of international commercial contracts includes the international transportation contract; We will explain it further.

Cargo transportation insurance is a type of international insurance whereby the policyholder, in exchange for receiving an insurance premium, undertakes to pay the cost of any risk or damage to the goods in the process of transportation from the country of origin to the country of destination up to the amount of the insurance coverage; As a result, in case of danger or damage to the goods, the insured is obliged to pay the cost of the loss to the insurer.

 Insurance policies are transferable commercial documents, the conclusion of which requires determining the following provisions:

  1. Specifications of the product :

 The nature of the product or its quantity and amount are very important factors that affect the type of insurance and the amount of the insurance premium. For this reason, the insurer is obliged to provide accurate and correct information about his goods to the insured and this information should be comprehensively stated in the insurance policy.

  1. Details of the insurer :

As said before; The insurance policy is a transferable document that even if the insured person is changed or the product is sold before the delivery date to another person, the specified amount of damage must be compensated by the insured. Therefore, all the correct information of the product or the person of the insurer must be stated correctly and accurately so that in case of an accident, the amount of damages will be paid to the insurer.

  1. Details of the insured :

The insured is the natural or legal person who, in the event of an accident, pays the insurance amount according to the rules in the insurance policy. The profile of the insured and the type of insurance offered are very important things that must be mentioned at the time of concluding the insurance policy.

  1. Insurance premium :

Insurance premium is the amount that the insurer pays to the policyholder for insuring his goods. This amount is determined according to the type of product and its level of sensitivity and depending on the type of insurance (clause A, clause B, clause C). Therefore, the more the insurance covers against accidents; The insurer will be obliged to pay more premiums.

  1. Insurance premium :

The insurance premiums is determined according to the type of goods and based on the value of the goods. In fact, the insured is obliged to pay the insurance premiums comprehensively to the insurer in case of various risks and accidents and to compensate the damage up to the amount of the agreed insurance coverage for the goods owner.

  1. Type of insurance :

The type of insurance is divided into three types, Close A, Close B and Close C, based on the sensitivity and value of the cargo, which determines the extent of the policyholder's obligations regarding possible risks and accidents. Therefore, the insurer must determine the type of insurance and place his load under insurance with Close A (the highest insurance coverage and the most expensive insurance premium), B or C (the lowest insurance coverage and the cheapest insurance premium). The details of the coverage of each type of insurance are listed separately in the table below.

  1. Type of transport :

The type of means of transporting the goods is very important in the safe arrival of the cargo; For example, the probability of accidents and damage to goods is usually very small in the air transport method, and this probability increases in other methods. But the noteworthy point is that even in the air transportation method, there is a possibility of loss, overturning or damage to the cargo; Therefore, it is better to consider the relevant insurance according to the type of cargo.

Also, in order to insure the goods that are transported through the combined method; It is necessary to mention the type of vehicles and the specifications of each transportation method separately at the time of concluding the insurance policy.

  1. Type of product packaging :

The way of packing the product is different according to the sensitivity of each product; For example, in order to carry audio and video devices and shock-sensitive devices, you should definitely use suitable shock absorbers in the packaging. For this reason, many insurance companies, considering the cargo's sensitivity to temperature, humidity, impact or sunlight, etc., specify the appropriate packaging conditions in the insurance policy, and in case of improper packaging of the goods, they are exempted from responsibility. and will refuse to pay the insurance premium.
